"High in the mountains they say that a dangerous entity lives. A monster that only the oldest claim to have seen and is represented it in paintings around the island.
Our kitchen, here, is a reflection of the diet on that island. Surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, traditions of flat breads, cheeses, plants, spices and fire. " -Fish Rodriguez
"En lo alto de las montañas dicen que habita un ente peligroso. Un monstruo que solo los mas viejos asegiran haber visto y lo represetan en pinturas por la isla.
Nuestra cocina, aqui, es un reflejo de la dieta en esa isla. Rodeada del Mar Mediterraneo, tradiciones de panes planos, quesos, plantas, especies y fuego." -Fish Rodriguez
If you ever find yourself in Guadalajara MX, feel free to try Rupestre.
Colonia Americana - Calle Juan de Ojeda 1764-3
Valle Real - Av. Paseo la Toscana 777-3