"High in the mountains they say that a dangerous entity lives. A monster that only the oldest claim to have seen and is represented it in paintings around the island.
Our kitchen, here, is a reflection of the diet on that island. Surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, traditions of flat breads, cheeses, plants, spices and fire. " -Fish Rodriguez
"En lo alto de las montañas dicen que habita un ente peligroso. Un monstruo que solo los mas viejos asegiran haber visto y lo represetan en pinturas por la isla.​​​​​​​
Nuestra cocina, aqui, es un reflejo de la dieta en esa isla. Rodeada del Mar Mediterraneo, tradiciones de panes planos, quesos, plantas, especies y fuego." -Fish Rodriguez 

I made this video as a first proposal to bring to life the already rich and unique style and lore that Rupestre has.

If you ever find yourself in Guadalajara MX, feel free to try Rupestre.

Colonia Americana - Calle Juan de Ojeda 1764-3
Valle Real - Av. Paseo la Toscana 777-3

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